Controlling Cystitis Through Diet

Health & Medical Blog

Cystitis – an infection in the urinary system – is a painful, unpleasant condition, and just the mention of it can be enough to make women who've already experienced it wince. The worst thing is, it can be difficult to prevent completely, leaving unsure when it's going to strike, and when it does, you're probably stuck with it at least for a few days.

The good news is that diet comes into play, in terms of both preventing cystitis and making it clear up faster. If you're careful with what you eat, you can hopefully exercise some level of control over cystitis, helping you feel better and keep the condition at bay. Here's what you should and shouldn't be eating:

Foods to help with cystitis

Brown rice

The complex carbohydrates found in whole grains give you an alternative to problematic simple carbs, and also lack gluten, which can sometimes have an inflammatory effect on the bladder. This helps calm everything down and give you chance to heal.

Root vegetables

Carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes – these vegetables are another type of complex carbohydrate, and they also contain lots of nutrients to help you stay healthy and fight the infection.

Cranberry juice

Numerous tests have shown cranberries to be effective at combating cystitis. However, you should be careful when buying a juice as some of them contain added sugar or sweeteners, which should be avoided as they can exacerbate the problem. Make sure you don't drink too much, as the acid can also make things worse in high quantities.

Leafy greens

Rich green vegetables like kale and spinach are packed with nutrients, and make a good alternative to acidic citrus fruits when it comes to giving your immune system a boost.

Foods to avoid

White bread

There isn't a lot of nutritional value to white bread, and the simple carbs are an ideal food for bacteria. This helps them breed faster and makes the infection last longer.


Coffee is more acidic than many people realise, so it can irritate the compromised bladder. It's also a diuretic, which can lead to dehydration, so it's best to stick to plain water until you're better.

Acidic fruit

Although citruses and other high-acid fruits are good for you in most instances, they can make cystitis worse by causing irritation through acidic urine.

Spicy food

Anything containing chilli peppers will irritate your bladder in the same way acid will, which can make the infection last longer. Stay away from the curries and other hot dishes until your cystitis has cleared up.

Contact a bulk-billing medical centre for more information and assistance. 


18 June 2017

Lifestyle Tips For Those With Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes ten years ago. Since my diagnosis, I have been committed to learning how to modify my lifestyle and adopt healthy practices, such as daily exercise and eating wholefoods, that help control my diabetes and improve my quality of life. I started this blog to connect with others living with this condition and to share what I've learned on my personal journey to better health. I also update the blog with the latest research and news relating to type 2 diabetes. If you have a specific question that's not been addressed in a blog post, feel free to send me an email.