Essential Pharmaceutical Products for Managing Menstrual Cramps

Health & Medical Blog

Over-the-counter pain relief is useful for treating lots of everyday complaints. Around 88% of Australian women who have periods also experience menstrual cramps. With this in mind, you may want to add private-label pharmaceutical products to your store that can make menstrual pain less pronounced. Here are some essentials:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs play a positive role in alleviating menstrual cramps. Ibuprofen is one of the most common examples, as it acts as a simple cycloxygenase-II inhibitor. This means that it blocks COX-II, which then disrupts the prostaglandins that cause painful sensations. At the same time, over-reliance on ibuprofen increases a woman's risk of peptic ulcers. Therefore, you may also want to look into private-label pharmaceutical products that prevent this from happening. Medications such as omeprazole protect the gastrointestinal tract, without affecting the absorption of Ibuprofen. As a result, it's worth adding them to your shop for those who plan to use an NSAID every month.

Aspirin for period pain

Just like ibuprofen, aspirin disrupts COX-II and reduces the presence of painful prostaglandins. However, it may also prolong the amount of menstrual bleeding that a woman experiences, whereas ibuprofen can shorten it slightly. Continuing to offer aspirin is important, though. There are some medical conditions that are sensitive to ibuprofen, which means aspirin acts as a worthwhile alternative COX-II inhibitor. 

Bulk-forming laxatives for constipation

A small number of women may also experience constipation as a part of their period on a routine basis. A build-up of prostaglandins just before the point where bleeding starts results in the colon wall contracting slightly, which then contributes toward constipation. Bulk-forming laxatives such as methylcellulose can bring relief, which may, in turn, make menstrual cramps feel less pronounced. With over-the-counter access, those who use your private-label pharmaceutical products may find it easier to treat their discomfort.

Loperamide for diarrhoea

Some women are also likely to experience diarrhoea, especially if the prostaglandins they produce relax the smooth muscles that help them maintain control over their bowels. Although this is unlikely to result in any accidents, it can increase the frequency at which they defecate. If their stools are particularly soft, this may also result in social engagements and work becoming a little more challenging than usual. Offering your own labelled version of loperamide gives them the option of reducing their diarrhoea when they're away from their home environment.

With a broad range of over-the-counter products that cater to various sources of menstrual cramps, you can keep your customers happy.


6 May 2019

Lifestyle Tips For Those With Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes ten years ago. Since my diagnosis, I have been committed to learning how to modify my lifestyle and adopt healthy practices, such as daily exercise and eating wholefoods, that help control my diabetes and improve my quality of life. I started this blog to connect with others living with this condition and to share what I've learned on my personal journey to better health. I also update the blog with the latest research and news relating to type 2 diabetes. If you have a specific question that's not been addressed in a blog post, feel free to send me an email.