Skin Care Tips to a Beautiful Glowing Skin

Health & Medical Blog

Beautiful skin does not only radiate happiness, but it is also an indication that your entire body is healthy and functioning well. As you will realise, the skin, especially the face, is quick to warn you when things are not okay. This is through pimples, dark circles, dryness or chipping on different parts of the body. If you notice pimples on your forehead, most probably your diet is conflicting with your digestion system. Acne on the cheekbones and jaws might indicate a hormonal imbalance. How do you take care of your skin?

Have a Reputable Dermatologist

Skin checks are essential, especially when you notice unexplained outbreaks. A professional dermatologist can rule out any issues. As you will realise, taking care of acne, blemishes and other skin conditions may not be very effective because this is just taking care of the symptoms when the real problem is persisting. A doctor will help you discover the underlying issues and treatment options. Also, it would help if you treated skin ailments immediately.

A Good Diet                                                                                            

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Adults carry about 3.6 kgs or 2 square meters of skin. This means that it will consume most of the nutrients you consume. The skin is also used by the body to excrete waste such as excess salts and water. To do this effectively, you need to nourish it with a balanced diet and enough fluids. Wrinkled and dry skin may be an indication of dehydration while swellings may be warning signs that the body is retaining more water than is required. Make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water every day to help the skin flush out toxins.

A Good Exercise Routine 

Because your skin is a living organ, you need to exercise it to ensure it stays firm and healthy for long. Exercise routines such as weight lifting, jogging and swimming help strengthen and tighten loose skin. Also, as much as you need vitamin D, overexposure to the sun may cause fine lines. Use sunscreen whenever outdoors or out during the summer. The sun also increases your chances of skin cancer; therefore, avoid it as much as you can when outdoors. 

Every night, clean the skin, moisturise and use a facial mask. This also ensures that the pores do not clog and can breathe well. If possible, use mild, natural, and dermatologist recommended products for your skin.

For more information about skin checks, contact a dermatologist.


26 February 2020

Lifestyle Tips For Those With Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes ten years ago. Since my diagnosis, I have been committed to learning how to modify my lifestyle and adopt healthy practices, such as daily exercise and eating wholefoods, that help control my diabetes and improve my quality of life. I started this blog to connect with others living with this condition and to share what I've learned on my personal journey to better health. I also update the blog with the latest research and news relating to type 2 diabetes. If you have a specific question that's not been addressed in a blog post, feel free to send me an email.