Health Medical

When to Call Your Doctor About Abdominal Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Abdominal pain is a fairly common occurrence and it usually isn't serious. Although it's possible to manage it at home in most cases, there are some occasions where you'll need to see a doctor. By understanding what some of them are, you can make appropriate decisions about your health. You Recently Encountered Trauma If you've recently encountered significant abdominal trauma, such as a kick or impact with a blunt object, you need to take associated pain seriously.

7 January 2020

4 Reasons Why Micro BTE Hearing Aids Are Perfect For Mining Employees And Contractors

Health & Medical Blog

Mining can be an incredibly lucrative industry for both employers and employees, but it can take a heavy toll on your body. The incredible noise generated by mining equipment and processes can severely damage your hearing, even if you are careful to use proper ear protection, and it's no surprise that many mining employees and contractors require hearing aids to compensate for mining-induced hearing loss. Micro BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aids are ideal for use by miners and mining employees who suffer from hearing loss.

4 November 2019

What You Need To Know About Cataracts

Health & Medical Blog

cataracts can be a scary diagnosis, but thanks to modern medicine, we have ways of treating and completely reverting this disease. If you want to know more about this disease and treatment options, read on for some helpful information: What are cataracts? Cataracts are commonly linked to ageing, and they occur with a clouding in the eye lens. This eventually leads to vision loss and can happen in either one or both of the eyes.

22 August 2019

Aspects To Consider As You Choose a Physiotherapist

Health & Medical Blog

Have you decided to seek physio treatment as per the doctor's recommendation? Physiotherapy has helped many people overcome a wide range of health conditions. To be one of these people, you have to get the best service, and this is determined by the physiotherapist you choose. Like other healthcare professionals, physio service providers also specialise in certain areas of treatment such as sports injuries, chronic issues, senior physio, paediatric care, post-op recovery and rehabilitation.

24 June 2019

Essential Pharmaceutical Products for Managing Menstrual Cramps

Health & Medical Blog

Over-the-counter pain relief is useful for treating lots of everyday complaints. Around 88% of Australian women who have periods also experience menstrual cramps. With this in mind, you may want to add private-label pharmaceutical products to your store that can make menstrual pain less pronounced. Here are some essentials: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) NSAIDs play a positive role in alleviating menstrual cramps. Ibuprofen is one of the most common examples, as it acts as a simple cycloxygenase-II inhibitor.

6 May 2019

How to Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer as a Golfer

Health & Medical Blog

Golf can be both a fun pastime and a good source of exercise, but unfortunately, golfers are even more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with skin cancer. There are good reasons for this—from the abundance of time spent outside to a generally lax view of sunscreen. However, as a golfer, there are things you can do to reduce your chances of developing skin cancer and to catch it early if you do get it, such as skin checks and sunscreen.

14 March 2019

Will Vinegar Brighten Up a Partial Denture?

Health & Medical Blog

If you've had your partial dentures for a long time, then it may not look as good as it used to. Even if you clean it regularly, it might look a little stained and yellow. After researching ways to give dentures a deep clean, you might see a lot of advice about how well a vinegar soak works on tired dentures. Will vinegar get your dentures looking like new again?

25 January 2019

Robotic Surgery – Past, Present and Future

Health & Medical Blog

While robotic surgery first came into focus some three decades ago, it's only in recent times that it has become practical in the mainstream and for a variety of different procedures. If you've been told that you may benefit from such an approach, what is involved? Developments from the Past Doctors in several hospitals around the country have been using a surgical robot known as "da Vinci" for some time to help them with conventional laparoscopic surgery.

21 September 2018

How Your Osteopath Can Help with Sciatica

Health & Medical Blog

As the longest nerve in your body, your sciatic nerve has the potential to cause a lot of pain. Its roots start in your lumbar spinal cord and extend to your lower limbs, allowing you to feel sensations and execute certain movements. Ageing, injuries, and life events have the potential to compress your sciatic nerve. When compression happens, it causes pain that extends from your back and down one leg, making life uncomfortable.

15 August 2018

Treating Aneurysms

Health & Medical Blog

If you've been diagnosed with an aneurysm, your doctor may advise you to consult a vascular surgeon for treatment. If you have questions about your condition and its treatment, here are some answers to guide you through this process. What is an aneurysm? An aneurysm is a swollen area in an artery occurring where the artery wall has weakened. Most commonly occur in the brain or aorta, the main artery leading from the heart.

19 March 2018