How Your Osteopath Can Help with Sciatica

Health & Medical Blog

As the longest nerve in your body, your sciatic nerve has the potential to cause a lot of pain. Its roots start in your lumbar spinal cord and extend to your lower limbs, allowing you to feel sensations and execute certain movements. Ageing, injuries, and life events have the potential to compress your sciatic nerve. When compression happens, it causes pain that extends from your back and down one leg, making life uncomfortable.

15 August 2018

Need a New Pair of Eyeglasses? What Types of Lenses Are Available Today?


If you are one of the many millions of people around the world who are either near or farsighted, then you will have to choose a form of prescription eyewear to go about your daily life. While some people will opt for corrective surgery, others may not qualify for this approach and will have to choose between contact lenses and glasses. If you're someone who doesn't really like putting their fingers towards their eyes, then you will need to choose prescription eyeglasses.

28 June 2018

Oral Problems That Should Prompt an Emergency Dental Visit

Dentist Blog

An unfortunate habit some people have is only going for a dental checkup when they can no longer tolerate the pain they feel in their teeth. This indifference that is characterised by neglecting routine dental checkups puts you at risk of developing severe oral conditions, as potential problems do not get the chance to be caught before they become aggravated. Besides, while you may assume that painkillers can mitigate some dental problems, some issues require immediate medical attention or the damage could be irreparable.

25 April 2018

Treating Aneurysms

Health & Medical Blog

If you've been diagnosed with an aneurysm, your doctor may advise you to consult a vascular surgeon for treatment. If you have questions about your condition and its treatment, here are some answers to guide you through this process. What is an aneurysm? An aneurysm is a swollen area in an artery occurring where the artery wall has weakened. Most commonly occur in the brain or aorta, the main artery leading from the heart.

19 March 2018

How to Integrate Research on Essential Oils for Anxiety Into Your Life

Health & Medical Blog

You may see essential oils at the health foods store, you may have a friend or family member who sells them, or you may see them in other situations. In all cases, you may have heard the claims that essential oils can be helpful for anxiety. Wondering if that's true? Well, a number of studies indicate that essential oils just may work. Here's a look at some of the top studies and how you can integrate these ideas into your life to help with your anxiety.

26 October 2017

Maintenance and Care: Prolonging the Service Life of Your Hearing Aids

Health & Medical Blog

Your hearing aids are designed and fabricated to ensure long-term use and performance. However, these devices are considerably delicate and vulnerable to damage when neglected. Therefore, you should invest time into caring for your hearing aids. This process will ensure optimal performance for a long time. Also, you will minimise the financial implications of frequent repair and replacement. Here are some simple guidelines to help you get started on hearing aid care and maintenance.

17 October 2017

How Sports Physiotherapy Can Enhance Your Performance in Sporting Activities

Health & Medical Blog

What is Sports Physiotherapy? Sports physiotherapy is the branch of physiotherapy that deals with the prevention and management of sports injuries and all other issues related to sports at every level of participation. Practitioners are referred to as sports physiotherapists and they play a major role in ensuring that persons involved in recreational or professional sports are injury free and are in the best possible shape for sporting events. They are trained in the promotion of safe physical activity, prevention of injury and the enhancement of sports performance.

25 July 2017